Divorce Attorneys Handle Enforcement Of Court Orders
We are here to advise you and help you protect your legal rights.
mfr Family court orders must be complied with. When an individual neglects his or her
child support,
custody or
visitation responsibilities, the wronged party can enforce a court order with the help of a
family law attorney. Enforcement actions can range from a focused letter to motions that can lead to significant penalties for a person who disobeys a court order. Our
New Jersey divorce lawyers can help you pursue enforcement or defend yourself against enforcement actions.
Support Enforcement Attorneys Serving Hackensack, Paramus And All Of Bergen County
At the law firm of Men’s & Fathers’ Rights Divorce Lawyers by Schultz & Associates, LLC, our New Jersey divorce lawyers find solutions to difficult problems related to family law. Our New Jersey divorce lawyers can assist you if your case involves:
- Your child’s other parent is not following a visitation plan
- Child support or alimony payments that are not being made
- Your former spouse disobeying court orders regarding the division of property
- Penalties for contempt of court, which can include the loss of driving privileges or even incarceration
- You being accused of contempt of court
Our firm understands clearly that every situation is different. As your New Jersey divorce lawyers, we can address the specific challenges you are facing.
Contact The Firm | Schedule A Case Evaluation
Contact us to schedule a case evaluation with our experienced New Jersey divorce lawyers for enforcement of court orders. We will be happy to sit down with you, answer your questions about enforcement and help you develop a plan to resolve your problem.
Carrie S. Schultz, Esq.
Thank you for visiting our site. We realize that if you are reading this, you or someone you know is having marital or family difficulties. We truly understand how unsettling that can be for all involved. I personally want to invite you to explore the website which contains a lot of informational and educational items which I hope is of benefit to you. I also welcome you to contact us to schedule a case evaluation to discuss your matter in greater detail. Our firm philosophy is to always remain committed to providing our clients with the best service, care, guidance, communication, and legal advice possible for your particular situation. We take seriously you entrusting us with your legal matter. Happy researching!