Maintaining Your Lifestyle
One of the difficult realities of divorce is that two households must live on the same resources that once supported one household.
mfr Knowing this, some of our clients are worried that they will have to make unwanted adjustments to their lifestyles. If you are concerned about maintaining your lifestyle after divorce, talk to a lawyer with extensive experience handling high-asset divorce cases. At Men’s & Fathers’ Rights Divorce Lawyers by Schultz & Associates, LLC, our
New Jersey divorce attorneys can answer your questions and help you find solutions.
We Understand The Complexities Of High Net Worth Divorce
The New Jersey divorce attorneys of Men’s & Fathers’ Rights Divorce Lawyers by Schultz & Associates, LLC, understand the complexities of high net worth divorce because we handle high-asset cases on a regular basis — and we only practice in the area of
family law. If you are going through a divorce, or anticipating a divorce, our New Jersey divorce attorneys can help you address important issues related to:
- Your home, beach house or other real property you may currently own
- Vacations and recreational activities
- Private education and extracurricular expenses for your children
- Alimony, which tends to be ordered by a court with the goal of providing for comparable living for both parties
- How child support may impact your life and your children’s lives
Every divorce situation is different. At Men’s & Fathers’ Rights Divorce Lawyers by Schultz & Associates, LLC, our New Jersey divorce attorneys can help you address your specific concerns.
Carrie S. Schultz, Esq., is certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Matrimonial Law Attorney, a designation issued to attorneys who meet the state’s highest qualifications with regard to family law.
Schedule a Case Evaluation with Our New Jersey Divorce Attorneys
Contact us or call (201) 880-9770 to schedule a case evaluation with our experienced New Jersey divorce attorneys. We will be happy to sit down with you and answer your questions about post-divorce lifestyles.
Carrie S. Schultz, Esq.
Thank you for visiting our site. We realize that if you are reading this, you or someone you know is having marital or family difficulties. We truly understand how unsettling that can be for all involved. I personally want to invite you to explore the website which contains a lot of informational and educational items which I hope is of benefit to you. I also welcome you to contact us to schedule a case evaluation to discuss your matter in greater detail. Our firm philosophy is to always remain committed to providing our clients with the best service, care, guidance, communication, and legal advice possible for your particular situation. We take seriously you entrusting us with your legal matter. Happy researching!