Could a collaborative divorce be right for me?

A collaborative divorce is an excellent option for many New Jersey couples. However, it may not be the right choice for everyone. Unlike traditional divorce mediation, which only involves the couple and a mediator, collaborative divorce involves each spouse’s lawyers as well. This might make it sound more complicated, but that is not necessarily the case. In fact, a collaborative divorce can be a more simple way to end a marriage provided the couple is a good candidate for this option. In divorces that involve a high degree of conflict or criminal allegations like child abuse or domestic violence, the collaborative approach is probably not a good idea. Now that you understand when this option is not the best approach, it is time to determine when it is.


If you can answer yes to the following questions, a collaborative divorce could be right for you.
  • Are you and your spouse open to a collaborative approach to divorce?
  • Do you and your spouse share a desire to end the marriage in a fair and balanced manner?
  • Are you and your spouse able to work together in the spirit of cooperation?
  • Are you both willing to make compromises if necessary?
  • Are you both willing to sign the “no-court” agreement that is part of the collaborative divorce concept?
Answering yes to the questions above is just part of determining whether you are a good candidate for a collaborative divorce. Discussing the issues with your family law attorney can also assist you in making a final decision. A lawyer can help you weigh the pros and cons of choosing a collaborative divorce in New Jersey. Source: FindLaw, “How Collaborative Divorce Works: FAQs,” accessed Feb. 03, 2016

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