There is no standard cost for a divorce in New Jersey because every situation is different. Uncontested divorces in which spouses are in agreement on everything (and everything being the important word here) are typically less expensive than contested divorces involving disagreements on some or most of the issues. Highly contentious divorces requiring extensive courtroom litigation because the parties cannot agree on anything, are the costliest. Following is a discus[ ... ]
As hard as it is for some divorcing couples to resolve child-related legal issues, the task can be even more difficult for New Jersey parents who were never married. Unmarried parents often have additional steps to take before they can resolve any disputes regarding child custody, visitation, and child support. One of the first steps is to establish the father’s paternity—without paternity being established, a man will not have custody or visitation rights. If you[ ... ]
Proper Paperwork for Filing for Divorce in NJ When filing for a divorce, the paperwork can be a challenge. For example, what documents are needed to file for divorce in NJ? It can take a lot of work to keep track of, as can knowing what purpose they serve and who they should be sent to. The Legal Services of[ ... ]
Anyone who has gone through a divorce knows how difficult and stressful it can be. In fact, according to the Holmes-Rahe scale, a commonly used assessment for measuring stress, divorce is the second most stressful life event for adults. Only the death of a spouse beats out the trauma of divorce. Marital separation comes in just after divorce as the third-most stressful li[ ... ]
The cost of college is on the rise. While this means parents are setting aside more of their income so that their children can get an education in the future, for parents who are working toward earning their own degree, this additional financial burden presents a significant challenge. According to[ ... ]
As a parent preparing to go through a divorce, one of your top priorities is likely to be establishing a custody and visitation schedule that meets your needs while protecting the best interests of your children. Along with addressing nights, weekends, and transportation for school and extracurricular activities, you will also need to figure out a plan for holiday[ ... ]
Co-parenting seems to be more popular than ever, and recent studies have highlighted the importance of both parents maintaining an active role in their children’s lives after their divorce. If you are preparing to go through a divorce in New Jersey and you are on reasonably good terms with your spouse, it is worth considering whether co-parenting is a viable option. If it isn[ ... ]
During the holiday season, divorcing, recently divorced, and separated parents can often find it difficult to find ways to make happy memories and spend[ ... ]
For most residents of New Jersey, getting married is meant to be a lifetime commitment. No one who gets married usually expects the relationship to take a turn for the worst. Unfortunately, the reality is often much different from our expectations. Sometimes a couple divorces because they have gr[ ... ]
You have most likely given the matter of adoption a great deal of thought. Perhaps you have come to the conclusion that giving up your child to loving parents is absolutely the right thing to do. Despite this, you seem to have some concerns about your side of the[ ... ]