Category: Division of Property

Category: Division of Property


It is a common question and one that leads to contention in many New Jersey divorces: Which spouse keeps the family home? Whether for practical reasons or due to sentimental attachment, it is not uncommon for both parties to want to keep their home after their divorce. But the truth is that, while both spouses may want it, only one can have it -- and in some cases, neither spouse may end up with the home. DECIDING WHO KEEPS THE HOUSE There is no simp[ ... ]

What Happens to Gifts From Parents in a Divorce?

A divorce is a complex event with many considerations as you separate from your spouse. In addition to issues such as child custody and alimony, there is also the question of what to do with possessions and other assets. When deciding who gets what, one area of the separation to be noticed is protecting gifts from divorce. When getting divorced, with all the different things to keep track of and the general stress, what happens to parents' gifts in a divorce? It can ea[ ... ]

What If Your Spouse Is Hiding Assets in Your Divorce?

In a New Jersey divorce, both spouses are legally required to disclose all of their assets. But sometimes spouses try to get away with hiding assets. They may do it because they want to get a better financial outcome than their spouse, against whom they hold bitter feelings. They might want to hold onto an asset because of a sentimental attachment to it. Or they may believe the asset is rightfully theirs because they had it before the marriage and believe it should not[ ... ]

5 Tips for Protecting Your Business During Your NJ Divorce

As a business owner, protecting your business is likely to be of the most important aspects of your divorce. The last thing you want is for your (soon-to-be-former) spouse to have a say in how you run things once your marriage is over. If you fail to adequately protect your business during your divorce, this could be a very real possibility. Protecting Your Business[ ... ]

7 Tips to Avoid Giving Up Too Much to Your Wife in Your Divorce

You have worked hard for what you own, and you do not want to lose it simply because you and your wife have arrived at irreconcilable differences. Because New Jersey law requires divorcing spouses to “equitably” divide their marital estate (unless they signed a prenuptial or[ ... ]

6 Reasons to Get a Prenup

Prenuptial agreements are a touchy subject, but they can provide important protections. So why would you get a prenup? Here are six things a prenup can do:[ ... ]

Divorce can be complicated without a legal professional involved

Getting a divorce is never easy. You have to think about how it will go: easy or hard. You can enter into divorce mediation if both of you agree and sign a contract[ ... ]

How Marital Property Is Divided in a New Jersey Divorce

Each state decides how spousal property is divided when a marriage ends. Where equitable distribution rules apply, as they do in New Jersey, spouses are supposed to receive fair but not necessarily equal shares of[ ... ]

His, mine and ours: Property ownership in a New Jersey Marriage

Family law attorneys often discuss the property rights of individuals before marriage and when couples break up. For a change, let's look at the property of Hackensack[ ... ]

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