Mens Rights Divorce eBook



Preparing For Divorce



Preparing For Divorce

mfr New Jersey Divorce LawyersIt is no surprise that ending a relationship can be both emotionally and financially difficult. The divorce process, admittedly, can be painful, complicated, time consuming, and expensive depending on the circumstances of your matter.  However, there are ways to limit this suffering and it all starts with preparation. The list below is a general overview on how to prepare for a divorce.


That has a lot of experience specifically in Family and Divorce Law. This is extremely important. You would not go to a local dive diner to have a juicy and award winning steak dinner; you would go to a reputable steak house. The same concept should be applied when you are searching for a divorce and family law lawyer. You want to consult with a lawyer specifically knowledgeable in this field, not a lawyer who merely dabbles in this area of law. At your initial case evaluation with the divorce and New Jersey family lawyer, the lawyer (even if it is not us) should spend quality time with you going over the specific facts of your case, the law of that State applicable to your set of circumstances, develop a strategy with you on what to do (and what not to do) and the general process whether that be involving the court or approaching the process in more of a collaborative/mediation type style. Lastly, do not be put off by an attorney charging an initial case evaluation fee. You will usually get what you pay for and this rationale goes both ways for those of you reading this and insistent on only meeting with an attorney that gives a free initial case evaluation. The lawyer will tell you at the initial meeting how much it will cost (approximately) to hire him or her to represent you throughout the divorce proceedings and that anticipated cost should be specifically tailored to your case and the issues involved.


In your marital problems or use them for communication with your soon to be ex-spouse. Children are not weapons and they should not be used as such against your spouse or for any kind of leverage in the divorce. Doing so could impact any custody or visitation rights that you may be seeking and as most therapists would agree, could (and likely does) significantly affect your children emotionally and psychologically. Easier said than done sometimes but being the smarter and more rationale parent will be a major benefit in many ways throughout the divorce process.


And, if you are able, set aside copies of any and all bank statements, credit card statements, mortgage statements, tax returns, and any other financial documentation you feel is relevant early in this process. Although most of the details of this information will likely not be needed for the initial case evaluation with your New Jersey divorce lawyer, it will be helpful if you have this information easily available a little later in the divorce process so that you are not solely reliant on the other spouse providing you with copies. Do not worry if you cannot get access to this information early or are afraid to get copies for whatever reason; there will be an opportunity for your and/or your divorce attorney to get this information and full disclosure of all finances and assets by a process called “discovery”.


Most people do not do this, but they should. Clearly outline your goals and desires from the onset-like a mission statement. Emotions run high in a divorce but try to separate those feelings and carefully think about what you want the tone of your divorce process to be and, what you want your life to look like after the divorce. Share your goals and any questions you have in order to create those goals with your divorce lawyer at the initial case evaluation. These goals will enable both you and your lawyer to stay focused throughout this process and control legal expenses, regardless of what other unexpected issues may arise.


Do not do anything to purposefully or intentionally provoke your soon to be ex spouse. If you are scared or in danger for your safety or, the safety of your children in any given moment, call the police (911) and then call a lawyer. However, if you are not in an imminently dangerous situation, do not create one. Think pragmatically about the end result (remind yourself of those divorce goals!) and stay focused on the long term instead of the short-term pleasure or emotional revenge. Also, do not compare your divorce and your set of circumstances with others who have already gone through the divorce process or may be going through a divorce now. No two divorces are ever the same. It is advisable not to discuss your situation or your divorce strategy with friends or neighbors for the purpose of comparison. Instead, find one loyal person to confide in for a sympathetic ear or a place to vent your anger or any other frustrations. There is also no shame in talking to a therapist or some other professional to help manage your emotions during this process; most clients report that they found some form of therapy extremely helpful during this time and that it minimized certain legal fees so your lawyer can truly stay focused on the legal aspects of your case.

Carrie S. Schultz, Esq.

Thank you for visiting our site. We realize that if you are reading this, you or someone you know is having marital or family difficulties. We truly understand how unsettling that can be for all involved. I personally want to invite you to explore the website which contains a lot of informational and educational items which I hope is of benefit to you. I also welcome you to contact us to schedule a case evaluation to discuss your matter in greater detail. Our firm philosophy is to always remain committed to providing our clients with the best service, care, guidance, communication, and legal advice possible for your particular situation. We take seriously you entrusting us with your legal matter. Happy researching!